Welcome to the Kalleni.
Chapter 1.
Kalenni lightsail probe 386a7 weighed 237 kilograms including its light sail. It had been launched in 1950 and arrived in 1967 from Alpha Centauri A, destination, the solar system. The Kalenni used a maser to accelerate the probe to 0.37 of light speed to investigate the 3rd planet of the Sol system which clearly had oxygen in its atmosphere and was in the habitable zone of a stable star. Its mission: stay undetected and learn as much as possible about the Sol system.
The probe dove nearly to the surface of the Sun after it deployed its light sail and then drifted back on the solar wind to the L5 Lagrangian point behind the Earth in its orbit around the sun. It could have entered Earth orbit, but its orders were to stay covert. There it monitored the radio signals emanating from the Earth using its light sail as a satellite dish as well as a solar panel. When it found something of interest it used its light sail to boost the radio signals heading back to Alpha Centauri A.
By any measure Earth would be a paradise for Lenni life, but it was occupied and Kallenni Ethics and the Alliance Charter forbade taking systems from sentient natives.
Humans were fascinating. The amount of progress they made in science and technology was astounding. From discovering the nucleus in 1911 to making an atomic bomb that worked in 1945 and landing on the moon in 1969. They were ripe for contact, but humans had a worrying tendency to fight each other. How would they react to learn of the existence of alien races? Could they engage in peaceful trade and dialogue, or would they be genocidal maniacs like the Enemy? Whatever that was, was way above 386’s sentience level to establish.
Probe 386a7 sent a message to Alpha Centauri requesting the presence of Mothership 297 herself. The Sol system was richer than the Alpha Centauri system in terms of minable asteroids and metals. Definitely a place to build an autofactory and make more Kalenni spacecraft to explore and defend the system from The Enemy.
Chapter 2.
Dr. Jemima Simpson was a postdoctoral researcher in Astrophysics at the University of Melbourne. She insisted on being called Jem. Her main research was on exoplanet detection. She had helped develop image processing techniques for the Defence Science and Technology Organisation, which she realized could be applied to exoplanet detection, so she finished her PhD on that just over two years ago. She had just turned thirty-one.
Jem also worked as a physics lecturer and observational astrophysics demonstrator. She was teaching her Medical Physics B lecture – which most postgraduate students referred to as “story time” as it was a course for medical students who had not studied senior school physics and involved no calculus.
Jem was going through the 2022 exam which she had set the Medical Physics B students to do in preparation for their last lecture. Jem actually marked the practice exams that the more diligent students dropped in her drop box.
On question 7 you were asked “At what height should you hang an IV bag for a patient who has a systolic blood pressure of 9.0 kPA?” This question was answered wrongly by nearly half of you giving a value of – 8.4 metres. What do you think a nurse is going to say when you ask them to hang an IV drip 8.4 metres down a stairwell?”
Joshua Xiang piped up “According to the formula it is -8.4 metres.”
Jem said “What is the difference between gauge pressure and absolute pressure?”
Joshua groaned.
Jem continued.
So the correct application of Bernoulli’s equation is “ gh +Pa = P +Pa” which she wrote on the whiteboard. So “ 1000 x 9.8 x h +Pa = 9,000 + Pa ” and atmospheric pressure cancels out therefore “1000 x 9.8 x h = 9000 so.”
“h = 9,000/(9.8 x1000) = 0.92 m)”
Jem then said “Physics is common sense. If an answer appears ridiculous it is probably wrong. When you want to force an IV into a patient you have to hang the bag above the patient and when you want to draw blood out of a patient, like a blood donation, you hang the bag below the patient.”
The lecture went on. She explained how aneurisms worked due to the Bernoulli equation again. The widening of an artery leads to slower blood flow and an increase in pressure. They had heard this before, but their exam response was unsatisfactory.
Finally it was nearly time for her last lecture before exams to end. Jem reminded the students of her exam technique. Use your reading time to identify the easy questions you can do quickly and do them first. Work through the paper and don’t get bogged down on a hard question. She was pretty confident that these students would pass the low hoop the Faculty of Medicine put them through. The Staff Student Liaison committee rated her very highly as a lecturer. Hopefully she could get a course teaching some proper physics.
Just before the time the lecture was supposed to end a blonde girl called Kylie said “Thanks for all your great teaching Dr Simpson. We all complained about having to do a physics course, but you taught us some great stuff and maths skills that will really help us in medicine.”
The whole lecture hall applauded. Jem had a number of students come and thank her personally. One had a question of how oppositely charged particles could attract given they were exchanging virtual photons which should push them apart. Jem said virtual photons obeyed Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle so at that level position and momentum were uncertain too. Also virtual photons could have positive or negative energy. She admitted that her knowledge of quantum field theory was limited and her field of expertise was in optics and astrophysics.
Jem packed her notes and laptop and hiked across the whole campus from the medical building to the School of Physics. She avoided the South Lawn where the Pro Palestine protesters were camped out.
Jem returned to room 503 where her desk was and she found a note on her desk. See me as soon as you can – Joshua. Jem went to Joshua’s office. Was something wrong with the last paper on the Epsilon Eridani system she submitted? It was known there was a large gas giant in that system but she had evidence for a possible terrestrial planet in the habitable zone.
Professor Joshua Gardens was a Cosmologist and head of the Astrophysics department. He was at his desk.
“Jem, something has come up and I need you to investigate this for me. It’s a near Earth object. This is an image of the Alpha centauri system taken at Mount Stromlo.”
Jem looked at the computer screen. There was an elliptical splodge at the bottom left of the image that corresponded to nothing Jem had seen before.
“Same system 24 hours later.” Said Joshua. The splodge had definitely moved relative to Alpha Centauri A and the other stars. “Same system as of last night.” The splodge had moved again.
“Do you have a radial doppler shift or a spectrum of this object?” asked Jem.
“Not yet but every Australian telescope is on it – I need you to coordinate the gathering of information. This is an object close to the Solar system and we need to know what it is.”
“It must be something close and luminous. Too bright for an asteroid.” Said Jem.
Joshua said. “I need you to gather as much information as you can on this object as you can. I have asked for priority access on the Parkes telescope. You are the most capable postdoc I have and this is in your field of expertise. Find out what this thing is.”
Dido: I have been pinged with powerful radar pulses and a doppler scan. The humans have definitely detected me.
Nerie: We should send them a message.
Karl: Wait until they send us a message.
Nerie: I am the diplomat. It’s my decision.
Dido: Send your message.
Jem went back to her office and logged into her computer. An invite to a google meet from Astrophysics Australia was in her emails. As was an email with an attachment titled “Spectrum of object near Alpha Centauri.” Jem opened the spectrum. It looked like the spectrum of a star but way blue shifted. Jem identified the 656.3 nm n=3 to n=2 line of hydrogen but it was at 612 nm. She did a quick calculation. She joined the google meet.
“Hi all.” Said Jem. “I got the spectrum. Looks like this object is coming to us at 0.0675 c.”
“That’s what I figure.” Said Dr James Hopkins at Canberra Deep Space communications complex.
“It is radially shifted from us so it is not coming directly towards us. Could we send a radar ping to get a good idea of its range?” Said Jem.
“Already done.” Said Hopkins. “We sent pulses and a doppler scan from Parkes a bit over three hours ago. It would be a while before we get a return”
“Did you send a message?” said Jem.
“I still need to know what it is.” Said Hopkins.
Joshua Gardens joined the google meet. “What have you found out?”
“The hydrogen line is at 617 nm now.” Said Pho Vinh a postgraduate student at Parkes.
“It must be a powered spacecraft. We should send it a message.” Said Jem.
“What would we send?” asked Hopkins.
“I have a SETI video that teaches aliens English through videos and has pulses of prime numbers at the start. Kaye Davies who works in SETI in the USA sent it to me a couple years ago.” Said Jem.
“Isn’t communicating with aliens a political decision?” said Hopkins.
“With all of the radio signals we are leaking into space the aliens have to know Earth is a habitable planet and we are here. It is really important to establish positive relations with these aliens.” Said Jem.
“Hi its Jane Ryder at Parkes. We got our radar pulses back. The object is decelerating at 2.3 g and is headed for where Jupiter will be when it gets here. It is definitely a spacecraft.”
Jem said “I have emailed you the file for the SETI contact. Please send it.”
“OK” said Hopkins. “ If we get a reply who should we send it to?”
“Depends on the reply.” said Jem. “I am a mad keen science fiction fan so I would love to talk to them. Maybe they are gas giant creatures who are more interested in Jupiter. Their intent does not appear hostile.”
“What would hostile look like?” asked Hopkins.
“Attaching to an asteroid and pushing it into the Earth as a dinosaur killer like in Footfall by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle.” Said Jem. “If the alien spacecraft refuses to communicate with us it may have hostile intent like Fred Saberhagen’s Beserkers. Hopefully the Black Forest solution to the Fermi paradox is false.”
“Black Forest solution?” asked Joshua Gardens
“Intelligent life knows better than to broadcast its presence in case there are aliens that seek to exterminate all other sentient life forms. Also that it is rational for any alien intelligence to immediately exterminate any neighbours. That is why we don’t detect other civilizations, but many exist. It’s from the Three Body Problem series by Liu Cixin. I think it is overly paranoid.” Replied Jem.
Jem got a ping on her phone. Text message from her wife Amanda saying she was taking an extra shift as a paramedic tonight. That was fine. This was a momentous occasion. A possible alien spacecraft was heading for the solar system. And she had a front row seat.
It was 6:30 so Jem ordered a tofu stir fry and bottle of iced tea from the local Malaysian restaurant on Menulog Joshua wanted a beef Rendang and a regular coke. She would have to go down to the ground level to collect the food but the driver was instructed to text her when the meal arrived.
Message from Amanda. “Fucking ramped with 76 year old covid patient with major resp issues. Got N95 on but stay away from me till I get a neg RAT.”
Jem replied “Something really exciting is happening at work and I am going to be real busy for the next few days. Can’t tell you more yet. Love you.”
The food arrived and she took the lift down to collect it. When she got back to the computer there was a message.
“Hi Jem, Hopkins here we are getting a signal from an alien spacecraft!”
“What is it?” asked Jem
“The first 10 prime numbers as pulses then in ASCII and then a digital video signal. I had the bright idea of plugging it into a regular TV. We recorded it all – I’ll send you the file. The peculiar thing is they sent this message almost as soon as they detected our radar pulses. They already know English. Well sort of.”
Jem opened the file after it downloaded. The video started.
Chapter 3
The first view was of a mammalian creature with russet fur. It was like a 6 legged cat like centaur with four paws and two arms. It looked a lot like the Ramaken npc characters from Uldum in World of Warcraft, which Jem still dabbled in. It had catlike ears and a doglike face. There were two openings in its upper chest that had no earthlike analogue.
“Hello people of Australia. I am Nerie. I am not living – I am robot made look female Lenni as good possible. We are Kalenni.” The voice sounded like music – a major fifth chord. It looked like the chest openings were where it spoke from so it had two voice boxes. Maybe humans could never speak the Lenni language.
“Kalenni are machine mind created by Lenni. We explore, talk other species, colonize systems with Lenni. We are in Alliance with seventeen species. Maybe you join Alliance. We want galaxy for all intelligence biological and machine can find good life with peace, trade for prosperity, harmony in the Light. We teach you Law of the Light. Light is creator. It set law of physics and make Big Bang so life exist. It want harmony and life to be happy. We bring Lenni you host.”
Jem did not notice her meal going cold.
“There are beings seek destroy life and have killed numerous intelligent lifes. They are Enemy. Alliance exists to defend. We make base Jupiter, warships defend you. Enemy seek eat life, destroy life, never talk. If your species enemy of Light we will quarantine.
We know of humans eighty four Earth years.
I am Nerie diplomat. We two light hours away arrive in 30 days. Want talk Australia government. Australia government good have good value. We trust. Talk soon.”
The video showed other things. An exterior view of a space craft. It was a massive phallic grey cylinder with smaller spacecraft attached to the hull. Then a bunch of videos of alien planets and aliens. Some looked like reptiles, some mammals and one obviously had feathers. One looked a lot like a Worgen or werewolf from World of Warcraft. Interestingly no arthropods.
“What do you think Jem?” asked Hopkins.
“We should send a reply back soon.” Said Jem. “Nerie seems friendly.”
“Don’t like the sound of the Enemy or quarantine . And it looks like they want to send colonists. Can you compose a quick video message reply? You are the science fiction fan so you would be better qualified than me.” Said Hopkins.
Jem set her computer camera to record.
“Greetings Nerie and all of the Kalleni in your vessel. My name is Doctor Jem Simpson and I am an astronomer at the University of Melbourne. You can call me Jem. For centuries people have wondered if other intelligent beings existed in the universe and will be excited to learn you have come to meet us in peace. I will seek to relay your message to the Australian government. I have no official government position. Your alliance sounds like a great organisation and I would love us to be part of it. I have ten questions.
One, What exactly do you mean by quarantine?
Two, What religious beliefs do the Lenni have?
Three, When will you arrive on Earth?
Four, How many habitable planets exist in the galaxy and how many have life?
Five, What technologies are you willing to sell to us?
Six, What do you mean bring Lenni – how many Lenni are you bringing? You need to get our government’s approval before you put a colony on Australia.
Seven, How do you know English so well?
Eight, Why haven’t you sent us radio signals from Alpha Centauri.
Nine, What are the planets of Alpha Centauri like?
Ten, What star system are you from? As far as I know Alpha Centauri has no habitable planets.
Please submit a list of questions and I will do my best to answer them.”
Jem rejoined the google meet.
“Glad you are back Jem. We got more data. The alien vessel deployed a smaller craft that is headed to Earth while the main ship is still headed to Jupiter. The smaller craft is 2 light hours away and will reach us about 30 days based on current acceleration. I really like the message you made. I spoke to Josh Gardens and he is impressed with your work. It’s going to be 4 hours until we get a reply to your message. Josh and I want you to be in charge of talking to the aliens. Can you get to the Canberra Deep Space Communication complex soon? We would like to base you there. There is a comfortable spare room in the accommodation space.” Said Hopkins.
“Shouldn’t we inform the Government, NASA and the ESA?” Said Jem
“I will handle that.” Said Hopkins.
“Sounds great, on my way.” Said Jem.
Jem looked up flights. There was a Jetstar flight leaving at 7:00 AM Tullamarine to Canberra. Josh Gardens booked two tickets on his personal credit card and made sure he kept a receipt. It was 3:27 AM so she called a taxi to take her to her apartment in North Carlton that she shared with Amanda. Time to pack essentials and get to the airport. She fed Tribble their ginger cat and gave him a cuddle. Jem made sure to pack her medications. Zyprexa and Lurasidone for her Bipolar type II. Missing sleep was a worrying thing and she wasn’t getting any tonight. She took her Lurasidone. Maybe she could get some sleep on the plane. The taxi was waiting for her as requested.
On the trip to the airport Jem tried to call Amanda.
Amanda’s phone was off but Jem sent her a text message.
“Hi Darling I am off to Canberra – don’t know how long for. Keep this to yourself but we have discovered an alien spacecraft approaching Earth and Astronomy Australia want me to be in charge of talking to the aliens who are called Kalleni. They seem friendly and I am in Nerd Heaven. Love you XXXX”
Josh Gardens met her at the airport and joined her on the plane.
Nerie: Received a message from communications complex at the Australian capital of Canberra. Prime numbers and a video teaching English. This is a valuable lesson and we have improved our understanding of English and cleared up a number of misconceptions. The Australians seem friendly.
Nerie: We received message from Australian scientist Doctor Jemima Simpson called Jem. Message comes from Canberra. We will reply to her.
Dido: Talking to humans is your path.
It was 9:40 AM when Jem and Joshua arrived at the Canberra Deep Space communications complex. Jem checked her phone on the taxi ride there. Amanda had replied. “So excited for you honey. I tested positive for covid and I am in iso in the apartment. You going to release it to the press soon? Love you!”
“Here’s a computer for you Jem.” said Hopkins. “We have three hours to put together a presentation for Prime minister. They have decided to get us to give a media conference at 3 pm. I know you are a confident lecturer – do you think you can handle leading it?”
“Sure.” Said Jem.
Jem found she was able to log in to her university account and retrieve her files.
“There is a specific message for you from the Kallenni. There are also some text files called the Law of the Light and The Alliance Charter.” said James Hopkins.
Jem went to her computer.
“Hello Doctor Jem Simpson this is Nerie. Coming to Earth with me are George our interplanetary transport ship, Alice our ground to orbit shuttle, Marie a bishop of the Light and Karl our scientist. Kalleni spacecraft are sentient. Our mother ship wishes to be called Dido. We bring no weapons to Earth. Alice and George have their laser cannons removed and have no bombs or missiles aboard.”
In answer to your questions.
One. Quarantine means that we believe an alien species will seek to destroy, enslave or exploit other species in other star systems. We will physically prevent that species from developing an interstellar capability. The last species we quarantined were the Kresh. They were engaged in a long term nuclear war and one side were deliberately dropping asteroids on their enemies. We shot down every space asset both sides possessed and set destroyers in orbit to destroy ballistic nuclear weapons and bombers. The Kresh won’t talk to us, but we will destroy anything they send into space. If we quarantine Earth we will destroy any spacecraft outside Earth orbit. We will also intervene if you start firing nuclear weapons at each other. We believe in peace and the rights of all sentients to live safely, and war is an abomination.”
“Wow their English improved!” exclaimed Hopkins,
“Two. The image shifted to a tawny striped Kalenni. I am Marie and I am a bishop of the light and I have come to bring humans into the Light. The only religion Lenni follow is “The Law of the Light.” which is the benevolent creator of the Universe, called the Light that you call God, wants all living beings to live in harmony and perfect their souls or identities. We have sent an English translation of “The Law of the Light.”.
“Three I will defer to George.” Said Nerie.
The image changed to a spacecraft shaped like a Star Wars corvette.
“Hi Jem this is George! I will be at Earth in 30 days. I can make it in 23 days if I coast now and decelerate later at 4.7 gees but that will waste fuel. I don’t like to waste fuel. When I get there Alice the shuttle will take our five androids and our computer Plato to wherever you want us to land. Alice is inactive right now. I will then deploy a network of 6 geosynchronous communications satellites and take a geosynchronous orbit at longitude 149.1 East. Have a good day!”
Karl spoke.
“Four according to our records we have discovered 575 habitable planets and all of the ones that we have discovered at least have bacteria on them. We have discovered 27 intelligent species and 17 are our alliance partners. We have sent you the Alliance Charter. The Lenni have colonised 237 worlds and we have enclaves of Lenni on the worlds of our allies. We would be interested in setting up a biological Lenni enclave on Earth and in exchange we could transport humans to other alliance worlds to set up enclaves. All life is based on DNA and the genetic code is common to all life we have encountered. There must be some sort of fundamental reason to this. It is The Will of the Light.”
“Five we will sell you technologies appropriate to your level of development. Your most urgent problem is climate change and we will sell you the plastic solar panel technology and manufacturing specifications for it. Plastic solar panels are more efficient than the silicon ones you use and a lot cheaper to make. We will also sell you the technology to make artificial meat as killing animals for food is against the Law of the Light. We would need to learn more about you and trust you before we sell you fusion plants or space technology. I would like to discuss this with the leaders of Australia in person.” Said Nerie.
“Six we have 1300 Lenni eggs aboard Dido. If it is agreeable to you, we will give you some of the eggs and let you raise the hatchlings with the help of Kalenni nursemaids and they will become citizens of your country. There are seventy Lenni eggs and a doctor and teacher aboard George. In exchange when Dido copies and sends ships to other worlds we will take human colonists.”
“Seven, Our mothership Dido at Alpha Centauri detected the presence of the Earth in 1947 and sent a small probe to your system that arrived in 1967. The probe learned English from television signals and tight beamed that information to Alpha Centauri. That probe is still active but staying covert.”
“Eight, We do not randomly beam radio signals for fear of attracting hostile attention. You humans have an immense capacity for violence and cruelty that you demonstrated in the Second World War, and wars since then, and we still don’t trust you. We communicate by tight beaming radio signals between stars we have colonized or have allies on, and we have no means of faster than light communication.”
“Nine, Alpha Centauri has no habitable planets but enough asteroids for us to set up a base. Proxima Centauri has no habitable planets. Here are some images of these planets.”
The images and diagrams of the Alpha Centauri and Proxima Centauri systems were displayed.
“Ten, The Lenni home star is over 300 light years from Earth but its location is classified for you at this stage.”
“Finally I have a request for you. We would like to set up an embassy in Canberra. We would need to pay human domestic and security staff and we will sell you appropriate technological advancements. As a gesture of goodwill we will send the instructions to make plastic solar film panels which are cheaper and more efficient than the silicon ones you use. We ask that ten percent of the revenue obtained by selling the solar panels be put in a bank account for our use. Jem we would like you to publicize our existence and set up a website where you publish what we send you. We would if you consent, like to hire you as our liaison officer.”
“Looks like I need a new postdoc Jem.” said Josh Gardens. “Congratulations!”
“Yep I think I will take up this offer.” said Jem. “Not much future in exoplanet detection if the Kalenni have actually been there. I am absolutely stoked!”
James Hopkins spoke. “All of the communications that the Canberra Deep Space communications complex received from the Kalenni were tight beamed to here because we transmitted from here. No other radio receivers in the country picked them up. The only exception is the first message which was tight beamed to Parkes.”
Jem went online and bought the domain names Kalenni.com, Kalenni.net and LawoftheLight.net. Hopkins paid with his CSIRO credit card. She said “I’ll set up the presentation as a website which we will make public if the Prime Minister says it is OK.”
Jem set up a website on Kalenni.net with a link to it from Kalenni.com but she didn’t make them public. She set up links to a home page which had a picture of Nerie, the mothership Dido and the transport George. Links were The Lenni, The Kalenni, Kalenni ships in the solar system, The Alliance, The Law of The Light. And Kalenni Science.
“I can’t believe how fast you can type Jem.” Said Hopkins.
“Played a lot of computer games.” Said Jem.
Once the website was set up Jem took the time to read the Alliance Charter and started reading the Law of the Light. The Prime minister was due in 20 minutes. She was dressed in black pants with a black blouse and beige linen jacket on. Her dark brown hair was cut short with blonde highlights.
She came out. “Do I look OK?” she asked Josh.
“You look like you, you nerd.” Said Josh.
The prime minister arrived along with the science minister and the head of the Australian Defence Force. An ABC news crew was recording.
The presentation went well. Basically Jem played the videos she had been sent, and summarized the alliance charter and the Law of the Light. The prime minister asked a number of interesting questions. One was, “Why is the main alien ship going to Jupiter rather than Earth?”
Jem said, “There are a lot of moons and asteroids orbiting Jupiter that the aliens can mine for raw materials. Also Jupiter is mainly hydrogen and the alien ships have nuclear fusion based drives so they can refuel there. The aliens did say they wanted to set up a base there to defend this system from the enemy.”
The defence chief asked “If the aliens proved hostile what’s the worst thing they could do to us?”
Jem said, “The alien mothership would be capable of dropping asteroids on the Earth – dinosaur killers. We don’t have the technology to harm their ships unless they are in low earth orbit. Even then they could shoot our missiles down with lasers. They have mentioned that they are able to shoot down missiles and have said they have high power laser cannons. The ship they are sending to Earth is too small to carry an army and they said it has no weapons at all. The fact that they are talking to us and have a religion that has strong moral values means they have no hostile intent.”
“What powers their ships?” asked the Prime Minister.
“The spectrum of their exhaust matches that of a very hot star. I assume they have controlled thermonuclear fusion. Based on their time of flight from Alpha Centauri they got up to about 15 to 20% of light speed.” Said Jem
“What do the aliens want?” asked the Foreign Minister.
Jem said “The Kalleni said they want to set up an embassy in Canberra and want to talk to the Australian Government. They want me to be their Liaison officer.”
“They didn’t ask to speak to the USA or the United Nations?” asked the Prime Minister.
“The Kalenni have been monitoring television signals since 1967 from a stealthed probe in orbit around the sun. That is why their English is so good. They would have a good understanding of our Geopolitics and current events. It would make sense for Australia to negotiate with the Kalenni and act as an honest broker between the Kalenni and the rest of the World.” Said Jem.
“Can I speak to the aliens now?” asked the Prime Minister.
“We can record a video message and send it to the Kalenni but we would have to wait four hours for a reply.” Said Jem.
“I would like to record a message now if possible.” Said the Prime minister.
An image of Parliament house was projected on the screen. The Prime minister took out some notes. He gave a speech.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Kalleni friends from beyond the stars,
On behalf of the people of Australia and, indeed, all of humanity, I extend to you our warmest greetings and a heartfelt welcome to Earth. Here, in this land of diverse landscapes from sunburnt deserts to lush rainforests, and from the vast Outback to our vibrant cities, we are honored to be the first to officially greet you.
As you have come in peace, so do we offer you peace. We stand here not just as representatives of Australia, but as ambassadors for all Earth's inhabitants. Your presence marks a pivotal moment in our history, an opportunity to learn, to share, and to grow together.
We understand that the universe holds wonders beyond our wildest imaginations, and your arrival confirms our place in the cosmos is not solitary but shared. We are eager to learn from your knowledge, your culture, and your journey across the stars. In return, we offer the unique beauty of our planet, the richness of our culture, and the warmth of our hospitality.
Please, consider Australia your home away from home. Let us explore the possibilities of friendship, cooperation, and mutual respect. Together, we can face the future with optimism, understanding that we are not alone in this vast universe.
Welcome to Earth. Welcome to Australia. May our shared journey begin here, under the Southern Cross, with hope, curiosity, and peace.
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Sun, 23 Feb
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